Streaming Sangre de vírgenes Online

Sangre de vírgenes (1967)Sangre de vírgenes (1967)iMDB Rating: 4.5
Date Released : 21 February 1974
Genre : Horror
Stars : Ricardo Bauleo, Susana Beltrán, Gloria Prat, Walter Kliche. Ofelia's wedding day is approaching and she is to be married to Eduaurdo. She has some pre-wedding jitters during a meeting with her lover Gustavo but decides to tie the knot anyways. On her wedding night, Gustavo shows up in their room, murders Eduardo, and proceeds to turn Ofelia into a vampire so that they can be together forever. In the present day 1960's, a group of young men and women take ..." />
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Ofelia's wedding day is approaching and she is to be married to Eduaurdo. She has some pre-wedding jitters during a meeting with her lover Gustavo but decides to tie the knot anyways. On her wedding night, Gustavo shows up in their room, murders Eduardo, and proceeds to turn Ofelia into a vampire so that they can be together forever. In the present day 1960's, a group of young men and women take shelter in an abandoned lodge after their van breaks down. Soon, Ofelia appears and seduces one of the guys and meanwhile the girls go missing. It is up to the other guys to figure out what is happening and Ofelia must make a decision as to how much longer she can continue with her cursed life.

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Review :

A bite out of Argentina

The worst aspect of this film is most definitely the tired script. For starters, the basic plot involves a group of young people running out of petrol and having to spend the night in a creepy house (not very original). It then turns out that the house is populated by vampires (not that you wouldn't have guessed that from the title of the film). It doesn't get any better after that either.

But the film does have a certain charm. The obligatory (for a 1967 horror film that is) sex and drugs scene at the beginning of the film is good fun (love that music!). The lead female vampire is very attractive and as such is destined to be seen naked at some point in the film. The surreal use of a seagull filmed through a red filter as a cheap alternative to a bat also adds to the charm of the film.

Overall, it's a recommended film if you're a fan of vampire films and haven't yet seen the genre done Argentinian-style.

Streaming The Magnificent Two Online

The Magnificent Two (1967)The Magnificent Two (1967)iMDB Rating: 5.0
Date Released : 14 September 1967
Genre : Comedy
Stars : Eric Morecambe, Ernie Wise, Margit Saad, Virgilio Teixeira. Two salesmen travel to a small South American Country to peddle their wares. However the country is in the middle of a major conflict between the Government led by Diaz and the rebels led by Torez. When Torez is accidentally killed the rebels mistaken pick up one of the salesmen, Eric, as he looks like Torez. Eric and Ernie are promised millions to carry on the charade once the rebels take charge..." />
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 700 MB

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Two salesmen travel to a small South American Country to peddle their wares. However the country is in the middle of a major conflict between the Government led by Diaz and the rebels led by Torez. When Torez is accidentally killed the rebels mistaken pick up one of the salesmen, Eric, as he looks like Torez. Eric and Ernie are promised millions to carry on the charade once the rebels take charge. However once Eric takes charge he finds himself back in danger as scheming general Carillo plans to remove the impostor from his role.

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Review :

Really poor - a shadow of their TV shows

Two salesmen travel to a small South American Country to peddle their wares. However the country is in the middle of a major conflict between the Government led by Diaz and the rebels led by Torez. When Torez is accidentally killed the rebels mistaken pick up one of the salesmen, Eric, as he looks like Torez. Eric and Ernie are promised millions to carry on the charade once the rebels take charge. However once Eric takes charge he finds himself back in danger as scheming general Carillo plans to remove the impostor from his role.

This was Morecambe and Wise's final attempt at a movie career and it's easy to see why they called it quits. The plot relies on the old chestnut of the main character being a look-alike for someone else. After that the plot is silly but detailed, so detailed in fact that it covers a few twists and turns in allegiances. However the plot is too heavy and doesn't leave any room for Eric to do any of his improvisation-style comedy.

Their films were all pretty poor, but at least in "The Intelligence Men" the plot was loose and the scenes left room for Eric to do asides and the sort of stuff he did in the TV show. Here they aren't given any rope to do anything special and really the two lead roles could have been played by any comedians. The story is pretty unbelievable for the most part which is a shame because there's damn all laughs to be had. The conclusion which includes an all female army charging a fort wearing only red underwear is pure 60's sexist humour.

This is a very poor vehicle for two great comedians. Morecambe and Wise's TV show is a British masterpiece and it is still fresh decades later. They had an unique style that involved improvisation and the feeling that they weren't just telling jokes they were having a laugh as well. In their films much of this was lost, in The Magnificent Two there is almost none of their humour and it falls flat on it's face.

If you really want to experience this great double act at their best then you really need to check out their British TV show where they had as much fun as the audience. This film is a terrible waste of their talents - it's almost a crime.

Streaming The Love-Ins (1967) Online

The Love-Ins (1967)The Love-Ins (1967)iMDB Rating: 4.1
Date Released : 26 July 1967
Genre : Drama
Stars : Richard Todd, James MacArthur, Susan Oliver, Mark Goddard. A college professor resigns in protest to the dismissal of student underground newspaper workers and later joins their "hippie movement" and becomes their "Messiah."" />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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It's the 60s and every "love child" is in search of a guru to follow and lead them to enlightenment! A group of young hippies follows a much older man and soon he turns himself into their "guru" leading them astray and having his way with the young women in his "flock".

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Review :

The UNauthorized Timothy Leary story

An obvious cash-in on Timothy Leary and his "turn on, drop out" LSD preachings of the 60's. Of course, this being corporate Hollywood, they turn the Timothy Leary character (well played by Richard Todd) into a money hungry CULT leader "who must be stopped!" Amusing for today's self-appointed "hip" audiences by its dated hippie iconography and the fact that the evil head hippie is played the TV series LOST IN SPACE's Goddard!

Watch It's a Bikini World (1967) Online

It's a Bikini World (1967)It's a Bikini World (1967)iMDB Rating: 4.7
Date Released : 14 April 1967
Genre : Comedy
Stars : Deborah Walley, Tommy Kirk, Bobby Pickett, Suzie Kaye
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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As soon as he sees her for the first time, Mike Samson, the big man on his southern California beach and the object of desire of any girl on the beach, knows that he wants Delilah Dawes, who is in the area visiting their mutual friend, Pebbles. Despite Pebbles' assertions that Mike is a great guy, Delilah finds him arrogant and conceited, and flatly rejects his advances. After Mike secretly overhears Delilah tell Pebbles that she would rather date a modest, serious boy who doesn't necessarily have to be a star athlete like Mike, Mike decides to conduct an experiment to see if Delilah is true to her word or full of hot air: he will masquerade as his serious, quiet, studious, uncoordinated and bespectacled "brother", Herbert, who in reality does not exist in any form. The ploy works as Delilah starts to date Herbert in order to bring him out of his shell. Mike's ability to pull off the masquerade is hindered by his roommate/Pebbles' boyfriend, the dimwitted Woody. Complications ensue ...

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Review :

Cheesy 60s Fun

I caught this movie on cable one day and actually really enjoyed it. I even looked for the movie to buy but I'm assuming it's not out on DVD.

Mike is your stereotypical male chauvinist. He has to be the best at everything and when a girl comes along and challenges him at different events, he feels he must beat her. He also ends up falling for her and pretends to have a dweeby twin brother named Herbert. The girl falls for Herbert and Mike has to figure out how to tell her who he actually is.

There is also a cameo by The Animals and a groovy skateboard race scene.

Streaming Iluzija (1967) Online

Iluzija (1967)Iluzija (1967)iMDB Rating: 8.4
Date Released : 12 July 1967
Genre : Drama
Stars : Slobodan Dimitrijevic, Marija Lojk, Vanja Drach, Branko Kovacic
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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The story of an inter-generational conflict between two brothers of completely different political and secular views.

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Watch Herostratus Online

Herostratus (1967)Herostratus (1967)iMDB Rating: 7.1
Date Released : 1 June 1967
Genre : Drama
Stars : Michael Gothard, Gabriella Licudi, Peter Stephens, Antony Paul. When Max, a young poet hires a marketing company to turn his suicide-by-jumping into a mass-media spectacle, he finds that his subversive intentions are quickly diluted into a reactionary gesture, and his motivations are revealed as a desperate attempt to seek attention through celebrity." />
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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When Max, a young poet hires a marketing company to turn his suicide-by-jumping into a mass-media spectacle, he finds that his subversive intentions are quickly diluted into a reactionary gesture, and his motivations are revealed as a desperate attempt to seek attention through celebrity.

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Review :

cinematic surrealism, scientifically conceived, that often communicates like music

HEROSTRATUS was, sadly, the only feature-length narrative project realized by the remarkable scientist, visual artist, and filmmaker Don Levy. Though little-known and seldom screened, its influence has been greater than one might think and may be visible in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, PERFORMANCE, and perhaps in the early films of Werner Herzog.

The film is remarkable not only for its very high visual quality (often on the level of the best of Antonioni and Tarkovsky) and for its sometimes innovative relations of sound and image, but also for the attitude and working method of the director: a highly personal and historically deeply rooted concept of surrealism, linked to the scientific method, that shapes the stream of consciousness woven into the narrative into something close to visual music.

I had the opportunity to see this film twice in the 1970's, and thirty years later, images are still vividly present. I'll mention just two: first, the black-clad woman (Ines Levy) lighted from behind, face painted white, carrying a black parasol, seen either slowly stalking out of an alley towards the viewer, or standing on a rooftop, viewed from below, recalling for me drawings by Hans Bellmer. Second, the lengthy hyper-violent sequence in which the protagonist demolishes his paraphernalia-packed apartment. A swaying suspended doll stands out within the jagged rhythms of the editing and will much later in the film be flashed into another key sequence: one example for the rich network of associations that go far beyond story-telling structures. On the soundtrack during the demolition: one of the virulent fugues from Beethoven's MISSA SOLEMNIS.

The film's female lead is named Clio, and CLIO is, in Greek mythology, the muse of history.

HEROSTRATUS does have some flaws, but is by any applicable standards a work of depth and integrity. Had it received more extensive distribution, it might have turned out to be a key film of the late 1960's. It's to be hoped that current plans for a commercial DVD release will soon bear fruit and that this film will receive the (belated) recognition that it richly deserves.

Watch Il grande colpo dei 7 uomini d'oro Online

Il grande colpo dei 7 uomini d'oro (1966)Il grande colpo dei 7 uomini d'oro (1966)iMDB Rating: 6.6
Date Released : 20 July 1967
Genre : Adventure, Comedy
Stars : Philippe Leroy, Rossana Podestà, Gastone Moschin, Maurice Poli. The Professor (Leroy) and his men are captured by U.S. agents during an attempted train robbery. To avoid jail, they must kidnap a Latin dictator. The film is filled with cool sci-fi gadgets, including flying jetpacks. Austin Powers would love this fast moving, groovy sci-fi intrigue thriller. Podesta is a wow! From nice color 16mm print." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 700 MB

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The Professor (Leroy) and his men are captured by U.S. agents during an attempted train robbery. To avoid jail, they must kidnap a Latin dictator. The film is filled with cool sci-fi gadgets, including flying jetpacks. Austin Powers would love this fast moving, groovy sci-fi intrigue thriller. Podesta is a wow! From nice color 16mm print.

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Review :

An Entertaining, but Slightly Flawed Sequel - Possible Spoilers

If 1965's The Seven Golden Men was akin to Mission: Impossible, then the sequel is pure James Bond, complete with submarines, hovercraft, jet packs and gadgets galore. This time out the United States Government recruit the Professor and his band of bold thieves to kidnap the General - a bushy bearded, Communist dictator of a small Central American island (read Fidel Castro). The requested fee for this service: seven million dollars, naturally, plus the deed to their own private island and absolution for all past misdeeds. However while Giorgia is sent off to seduce the General, and our gold happy crew put the elaborate clockwork plan into motion, the Professor casts his eye toward his real prize: a tanker harbored at the island country with seven thousand tons of gold bricks in its hold.

The Seven Golden Men Strike Again is more outrageous than its predecessor. The set pieces are bigger, the gimmicks are more elaborate and the humor is far less subtle. However, all of this works to the film's benefit by giving a broad, bright, campy look and feel that distinguishes it from the first movie. Unfortunately, after maintaining this originality for 90% of the film, the script stumbles unnecessarily back into too familiar territory at the end. In the first film the fast and furious piling up of double and triple crosses was fresh and fun; this time it all feels forced and unnecessary. If the movie had ended only five minutes earlier it would have been a much better film. Despite this failing, The Seven Golden Men Strike Again is still an entertaining romp of the kind that could only have been produced in the swinging, psychedelic '60s.

Like the first film, The Seven Golden Men Strike Again is available in a sharp widescreen DVD release in Japan, however this one has only the original Italian soundtrack, with no English alternative. There are optional subtitles, in Japanese.

Streaming I giorni dell'ira Online

I giorni dell'ira (1967)I giorni dell'ira (1967)iMDB Rating: 7.2
Date Released : 1 November 1969
Genre : Western
Stars : Lee Van Cleef, Giuliano Gemma, Walter Rilla, Christa Linder. Amiable, unassertive Scott Mary picks up the trash, cleans the toilets, sweeps the floors in the town of Clifton. Then a gunfighter comes to town. He offers advice and guidance to Scott who quickly begins to toughen and mature, thus upsetting the balance of power in the town." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Amiable, unassertive Scott Mary picks up the trash, cleans the toilets, sweeps the floors in the town of Clifton. Then a gunfighter comes to town. He offers advice and guidance to Scott who quickly begins to toughen and mature, thus upsetting the balance of power in the town.

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Review :

Top-Notch Spaghetti Western

"Days of Wrath" is an excellent Spaghetti Western. Both Van Cleef and Gemma have excellent characterizations to portray; it is particularly interesting to witness Gemma's transformation from submissive outcast to dominating gunfighter. Van Cleef has one of his best non-Leone roles. A solid story, with a great music score and theme. Fans of the genre should not miss it. Some American video versions are highly edited; try to see the uncut version.

Watch Dita Saxová (1968) Online

Dita Saxová (1968)Dita Saxová (1968)iMDB Rating: 7.4
Date Released : 23 February 1968
Genre : Drama
Stars : Krystyna Mikolajewska, Bohus Záhorský, Karel Höger, Martin Ruzek." />
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Watch Devil's Angels (1967) Online

Devil's Angels (1967)Devil's Angels (1967)iMDB Rating: 4.7
Date Released : 1 April 1967
Genre : Action, Crime, Drama
Stars : John Cassavetes, Beverly Adams, Mimsy Farmer, Maurice McEndree
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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The Skulls, a violent biker gang led by Cody have a run in with a small-town sheriff after a member accidentally kills a citizen on the highway. He agrees to let them stay and protect the town. Cody then deserts them after a second gang's rescue attempt leaves the town in shreds. With Beverly Adams as Lynn and Mimsy Farmer as Marianne. A follow-up to the popular "The Wild Angels", the previous year.

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Review :

Better than most biker movies

The best thing about Devil's Angels is the humor. This is a movie that makes it's point without taking itself too seriously. The violence is minimal compared to most other of this genre and the emphasis is on characterization. There are some genuinely funny moments in this movie and plenty of memorable lines. The part with the old lady and her shopping list is my favorite. The use of solid veteran actors helps fill in for the script lapses and keeps the viewers interest. Good luck finding this movie though. It is no longer shown anywhere and is not distributed either. After 10 years of searching, I finally found a used VHS tape on Ebay. It cost me $25 but I consider it worth it.

Streaming Thunderbirds Are GO (1966) Online

Thunderbirds Are GO (1966)Thunderbirds Are GO (1966)iMDB Rating: 6.5
Date Released : 1 July 1968
Genre : Action, Sci-Fi
Stars : Sylvia Anderson, Ray Barrett, Alexander Davion, Peter Dyneley. Zero-X, a manned exploration mission crashes during lift-off on its maiden flight. Two years later an investigative committee finally concludes sabotage, and decides to call on the services of International Rescue to oversee security at the impending second launch. The second Zero-X successfully reaches its destination, but encounters unexpected hazards, ultimately leading to another call for ..." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 700 MB

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Zero-X, a manned exploration mission crashes during lift-off on its maiden flight. Two years later an investigative committee finally concludes sabotage, and decides to call on the services of International Rescue to oversee security at the impending second launch. The second Zero-X successfully reaches its destination, but encounters unexpected hazards, ultimately leading to another call for assistance on its return to Earth. International Rescue respond, and once again Thunderbirds are GO!

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Review :

International Rescue..Calling International Rescue

In the 1960's, British TV producer Gerry Anderson and his wife, Sylvia, went about making a series of shows based around a highly functional set of marionettes which where built around a process called Supermarionation, a speech syncronization system designed to have the puppet's mouth move in sync with the voice actor reading it's lines.

Combining it with some of the most fanciful designs of futuristic societies, they spawned a slew of shows including "Joe 90", about a boy with the ability to be programmed like a computer to do anything, from pilot a stolen jet fighter to perform brain surgery: "Fireball XL-5", a galactic adventure onboard a massive space cruiser, "Stingray", the tales of a super sub working for the World Aquatic Security Patrol ("W.A.S.P."), "Captain Scarlet", tales of an indestructible agent in a war against unseen Martian invaders called The Mysterons, et al.

Perhaps the Anderson's most famous and popular show in the hearts and minds of it's fans is "Thunderbirds". The background is simple. John Tracy, former astronaut and billionaire industrialist, decides to use his wealth to help the world by creating "International Rescue", a secret force of super vehicles designed by an in-house genius known simply as "Brain" and manned by his sons, each a superb athlete and trained expert in their fields (It is no doubt to some that his sons would have been Xtreme sports enthusiasts given the times). Brain's creations are the Thunderbirds, a set of highly specialized rescue and response vehicles each designed for specific purposes.

Thunderbird One is a hypersonic VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) vehicle used as a mobile command center. Thunderbird Two is a heavy lifter, capable of transporting pods containing rescue equipment to any location, from a subterranean "Mole" to the aquatic Thunderbird Four. Thunderbird Three is a space ship, launched from under the Tracy Island estate's pool (the vehicles launch sequences are themselves something to behold, since International Rescue is a secret organization, the deployment of the vehicles must also be the same, leading to some of the most unique ways of converting the Tracy Island compound into a launch & retrieval complex). As for Thunderbird Five, it is a monitoring station orbiting in space, listening in on the world's airwaves for the call.

A pink, armoured futuristic Rolls Royce bearing the license plate FAB-1 also come into play, as the property of one Lady Penelope, British aristocrat and undercover agent for International Rescue. Driven by a former resident of Wormwood Scrubs Prison known simply as Parker, it is bullet-proof,has an exceptionally heavy bit or ordinance under it's hood and is capable of Hydrofoil work on the water.

The way that they pull this off without it turning into a low rent kiddie show was from the contributions of such people as Derek Meddings, designer or the ships as well as the space craft and miniatures for movies like "Krull", "Moonraker", "Goldeneye" and many James Bond films. Barry Gray's scoring duties bring real tension and drama to the adventure.

Anderson was no slouch himself, creating many inventive effects shots using the highly detailed miniatures. This movie, surrounding the attempted sabotage and eventual rescue of a Mars exploration mission, displays the tools of Anderson's craft quite well. Look for another movie, Thunderbird 6, as well as newly digitally remastered releases of the original episodes on the shelves (and no, they did not digitally erase the wires). It is truly one of the best guilty pleasures from the past.

It also marked the end of Supermarionation, for with the exception of one puppet show ("Terrahawks"), Anderson's productions went into live actors, but still carried on the traditions of awesome miniatures with shows like "U.F.O", "Space:1999" and "Space Precinct".

Unfortunately,the big budget adaptation of the series, released in 2005, directed by Johnathan Frakes (Commander Will Riker of "Star Trek:The Next Generation"), was a muddled, childish piece of dreck which totally ruined the hopes of many aging fans of the original show for a decent and reverent homage to Anderson's vision, which probably explains his refusal to have anything to do with the movie.

Streaming Three on a Couch Online

Three on a Couch (1966)Three on a Couch (1966)iMDB Rating: 6.1
Date Released : 1 March 1966
Genre : Comedy, Romance
Stars : Jerry Lewis, Janet Leigh, Mary Ann Mobley, Gila Golan. An artist has an opportunity to go to Paris and wants to bring his fiancee along. However, she's a psychiatrist who currently has three female patients who don't like men. So, he guises himself as three different men to gauge their trust and hopefully cure them so that his fiancee can go with him." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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An artist has an opportunity to go to Paris and wants to bring his fiancee along. However, she's a psychiatrist who currently has three female patients who don't like men. So, he guises himself as three different men to gauge their trust and hopefully cure them so that his fiancee can go with him.

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Review :

Enochlophobia on the Rocks

Jerry Lewis (as Christopher Pride) wants to marry Janet Leigh (as Elizabeth "Liz" Acord) and move to Paris, where he has been commissioned to design a mural. But, Psychiatrist Leigh doesn't want to leave her patients; especially three strikingly beautiful women, who can't seem to develop romantic relationships with men. Mr. Lewis decides to assume three different alternate identities, in order to warm up the three frigid women, and free up fiancée Leigh. Will things get too hot?

Leigh and the three women (Mary Ann Mobley, Leslie Parrish, and Gila Golan) are lovely looking; but, don't watch for them to run around in bikinis and towels a lot -- there isn't much skin on display. James Best (as Ben Mizer) handles the role of Lewis' straight man well. The supporting cast performs ably; Kathleen Freeman and Buddy Lester are always fun to watch, drunk or sober. Lewis plays his "main" personality and four others -- "Warren", "Ringo" (not Beatle-influenced), "Rutherford", and "Heather". They are not complicated characterizations and, so, are not among is best.

"Three on a Couch" is interesting in its overindulgence. It's the Lewis brand, with a drink in one hand, and a cigarette in the other. Note, the script and situations are drenched in alcohol. This gives the film a "drunk", enochlophobic feel. The film's closing "party" has a surreal quality, with guests pouring into spaces they shouldn't fit. Lewis directs this "party" scene very effectively, by the way; his directorial skill is sometimes overshadowed by his on screen persona -- he might have been wise to peruse a parallel career directing movies in which he does not appear.

Streaming La strega in amore Online

La strega in amore (1966)La strega in amore (1966)iMDB Rating: 6.5
Date Released : 1 August 1969
Genre : Horror, Mystery
Stars : Richard Johnson, Rosanna Schiaffino, Gian Maria Volonté, Sarah Ferrati
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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A historian goes to a castle library to translate some ancient erotic literature. While there he discovers what he believes to be supernatural forces at work.

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Review :

The Witch ***

When my pal at the DVD store told me that he had ordered Damiano Damiani's THE WITCH, I admitted that I had never heard of it before - although, on looking up the film under its original Italian title, I had the notion that it may have been shown on late-night TV without my realizing what sort of film it was! In any case, having now watched it for myself, THE WITCH has proved to be one of the most pleasant film-viewing surprises I've had since the beginning of the year! Ostensibly a horror film, it doesn't easily fit into the genre since Damiani approaches it, for the most part, as if it were a Kafkaesque art-house flick (with an undeniable erotic charge, which was as unexpected in this kind of film as it was effective)! This isn't in itself a bad thing, since THE WITCH has a very elegant look to it - in direct contrast to the endless spate of undistinguished low-budget productions being churned out by the Italian film industry during this time - extending to the production design (its excellent use of locations is a major asset) and the inspired use of shadowy lighting (coming as it did at the tail-end of black-and-white horror-film production) which is comparable to the work of Mario Bava. As a matter of fact, it reminded me quite a bit of the latter's KILL, BABY...KILL!, made the same year (albeit shot in color) and also largely set in a decrepit mansion; besides, Rosanna Schiaffino's hypnotic beauty and wonderful performance can stand proudly alongside Barbara Steele's iconic showcase in BLACK Sunday (1960) and especially that of Daliah Lavi in THE WHIP AND THE BODY (1963) - both of which, incidentally, were also directed by Bava! The rest of the cast features Richard Johnson (fresh from another subtle horror piece, Robert Wise' THE HAUNTING [1963]) as the bewildered love-struck hero, Sarah Ferrati (here in only her second film and which also proved to be the last!) as the creepy-looking old "lady" who sets the complex plot in motion - and who has an unexplained predilection towards torturing cats (loving animals as much as I do, I found these scenes somewhat disturbing!), Gian Maria Volonte' (excellent as Schiaffino's distraught former lover who still resides in the doomed mansion) and Ivan Rassimov (who is set to take over Johnson's double duties at the house, until the latter resolves to put an end to the whole charade in the fiery climax). Apart from the latter scene (and, of course, the sexy bits), perhaps the film's best moment is when Schiaffino goes - convincingly - into convulsions (years prior to THE EXORCIST [1973]) and discloses her "true" identity to a horrified Richard Johnson.

From the few comments I've managed to find about the film, most have described it as being slow and pretentious. While I wasn't bothered by the film's deliberate pace (and I usually am in this type of film!), I must say that I am prone to appreciate intelligence in a horror film even more than in virtually any other genre - since it's the one that has suffered most at the hands of untalented film-makers and exploitative producers who go for the easy buck and are content to follow the current trend without "putting their mind to it", as it were. The DVD I watched, unfortunately, was a full-frame affair, fuzzy-looking (possibly sourced from a 16mm print) and poorly dubbed (which, coupled with the rather muffled audio, made the dialogue hard to understand at times!). I do hope that a more deserving edition of this gem eventually surfaces but, if not, I'll be on the look-out for it in the event that it turns up (again) on late-night Italian TV...

Damiano Damiani was just one of many Italian film-makers who made their mark on Italian "cult" cinema during the 60s and 70s and while he isn't among the more celebrated of the bunch, from what I've seen of his work


HOW TO KILL A JUDGE (1974) and THE INQUIRY (1987) - he more than holds his own; this reminds me that I have Damiani's IL GIORNO DELLA CIVETTA (1968) and THE DEVIL IS A WOMAN (1975) lying in my ever-increasing "Unwatched Films on VHS" pile...not to mention 2 starring lovely Schiaffino and 9 with Volonte' (surely one of Italy's most versatile and important actors)!!

Streaming The Psychopath Online

The Psychopath (1966)The Psychopath (1966)iMDB Rating: 5.9
Date Released : 1 May 1966
Genre : Horror, Mystery
Stars : Patrick Wymark, Margaret Johnston, John Standing, Alexander Knox
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Inspector Holloway is investigating a series of brutal murders in which a doll of each victim is found at the scene. The dolls, as it turns out,were purchased by the crippled Mrs. Von Sturm, whose home is overcrowded with a doll collection. Her pale, wide-eyed, neurotic son is the prime suspect and the daughter of one of the victims discovers the shocking truth.

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Review :

Decent thriller, but lacking

First of all, I have to say that my copy of this film is poor in the extreme and so I might not have got 'the full effect'. But even so, Freddie Francis' The Psychopath is a rather mundane thriller that takes most of its influence from superior works such as those of Alfred Hitchcock, and doesn't particularly do anything new. The plot focuses on post-world war 2 revenge, and follows the murder of four men. The men were involved in the murder of a German millionaire, and the only other clue that Inspector Holloway has to go on is the fact that small dolls were found next to each corpse. Are the murders something to do with a doll maker and her son? Freddie Francis made a lot of the best films that Amicus had to offer, and although this is both an Amicus and a Freddie Francis film; it's not a high point for either. The plot has just about enough about it to hold the audience's interest for the film's duration, although it does drag at times and I think I'd have enjoyed this film more if it was a little more streamlined. The dolls are what ties the film to the horror genre, as they're eerie looking and creepy; but otherwise, this is more of a by the numbers thriller with only a couple of twists thrown in. The Psychopath is rather difficult to come by, and since it's not all that good; I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to find a copy.

Streaming Prawo i piesc (1964) Online

Prawo i piesc (1964)Prawo i piesc (1964)iMDB Rating: 7.2
Date Released : 14 September 1964
Genre : Drama
Stars : Gustaw Holoubek, Zofia Mrozowska, Hanna Skarzanka, Wieslaw Golas. At the end of World War Two, Polish people move to the western lands vacated by Germans. But some ruthless profiteers pose as government representatives and intend to make off with loot from a deserted town they took over. One honest man stands up against them because he believes these goods belong to the people." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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At the end of World War Two, Polish people move to the western lands vacated by Germans. But some ruthless profiteers pose as government representatives and intend to make off with loot from a deserted town they took over. One honest man stands up against them because he believes these goods belong to the people.

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Review :

Sort of like a western set in 1945!

"Prawo i piesc" ("The Law and the Fist") is a very fascinating film that apparently hasn't been seen by many folks--at least outside of Poland. I say it apparently hasn't been seen because there are no reviews for it on IMDb--and it is a heck of a good film...too good not to be seen.

When the film begins, WWII is just about over and the Germans have left Poland. So now it's up to people to try to get back to normalcy--to find jobs, rebuild the towns and feed themselves. Andrzej Kennig (Gustaw Holoubeck) is one of these people--displaced and tired from being in a concentration camp following the bloody Warsaw uprising in 1944. He is given a job by the local authorities--or, at least he THINKS these are folks constituting the local government. The job is to go into the surrounding towns and secure them. However, once in one of these towns, he slowly starts to realize that their new mayor is just a thief who plans on looting everything he can from this nearly vacant town. When Andrzej sees that this means not only taking people's possessions but art treasures from a museum, he realizes he cannot let this happen. He attempts to covertly convince a few of the other workers to abandon their dirty jobs. He also tries to get a message out to the nearby police to get their as soon as possible. However, none of this works out and eventually he needs to either knuckle under and work with these opportunists or fight them. But what good is one man against six?

In many, many ways, despite being set in 1945, it's very much like an American western. The music (and plot) are a lot like "High Noon" and the idea of one lone man standing for right against a gang is certainly a very familiar one in westerns. Fortunately, the film works very well because it breathes new life into a familiar formula. Also, Gustaw Holoubeck does a very nice job playing a very weary but ultimately decent man.

By the way, while the film's strong socialist message might have fit in well with the communist dominated Polish film industry of 1964, it certainly is still very universal in its appeal and can be appreciated by anyone who wants a taut, well-crafted film.

Streaming L'ultimo killer (1967) Online

L'ultimo killer (1967)L'ultimo killer (1967)iMDB Rating: 6.2
Date Released : 10 August 1967
Genre : Western
Stars : George Eastman, Dragomir 'Gidra' Bojanic, Dana Ghia, Daniele Vargas." />
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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Review :

If you're a spaghetti western fanatic, this will do

As you probably know, there were a number of spaghetti westerns that capitalized on the success of DJANGO, namely by renaming (during the dubbing) of characters to the name of "Django", as they did with this movie. (At least they didn't try to further the ripoff here by having the Django here dress in black and carry a machine gun, as some other films did.)

Anyway, this spaghetti western is not without flaws. It's more leisurely paced than other spaghetti westerns - it takes more than 30 minutes for Eastman's character and "Django" to meet, and Eastman's training takes a considerable amount of time. Some viewers may squirm in their seats at some point. His quest for revenge is almost forgotten about along the way. The "surprise" twist that happens late in the movie will probably be no surprise to most viewers.

On the other hand, the production values (sets, photography, etc.) are decent, there is some good and atypical location work (green fields instead of desert), the bad guys are hateful enough, the musical score by Roberto Pregadio is first rate, and there is some interesting dialogue. No, this movie is not a classic of the genre, and certainly won't convert newbies to the genre, but if you like spaghetti westerns like me, it is acceptable.

Watch Superargo contro Diabolikus (1966) Online

Superargo contro Diabolikus (1966)Superargo contro Diabolikus (1966)iMDB Rating: 5.9
Date Released : 20 July 1968
Genre : Adventure, Sci-Fi
Stars : Giovanni Cianfriglia, Gérard Tichy, Loredana Nusciak, Mónica Randall
Movie Quality : HDrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB

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After accidentally killing an opponent on the ring, masked wrestler Superargo quits wrestling and, following the advice of his friend Col. Alex Kinski of the Secret Service, becomes a secret agent, using his superhuman abilities to stop villain Diabolicus' plans to wreck global economy by turning uranium into gold.

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Review :

Secret agent/wrestler

I watched this movie several times growing up as a kid and I still like it. It's not the kind of flick a typical fan can watch- Don't watch it with American expectations. Superargo can be best described as a cross between; James Bond and Batman. This movie can be fun for the whole family- If you use your imagination. Lots of cool 60's music and action.